About Us

Enjoy an extraordinary vacation with us

「可可假期」于1993年成立於美國夏威夷,是馳名洛杉磯30年的旅遊領導品牌。30多年來,可可假期為來自世界各地的旅遊愛好者量身打造了遍佈歐洲,亞洲、南美洲,北美洲,澳洲,南極,北極以及中國、台灣和全美各地精緻與浪漫的旅遊線路,受到無數華人朋友的高度讚揚。30年的辛勤耕耘,成就了可可假期創辦人May 姐30年的輝煌。在洛杉磯旅行社雲集,競爭激烈的環境下,可可假期在May 姐的帶領下以誠摯待客,童叟無欺的經營理念獨樹一幟,廣結善緣。在洛杉磯流行一句膾炙人口的廣告,“跟著可可假期May 姐走,好處大大有!”

Founded in 1993, Kirk Vacations has been a reputable tourism brand for the last 30 years in Los Angeles. For more than 3 decades, Kirk Vacations has custom made exclusive and romantic travel plans for travel enthusiasts worldwide. Kirk Vacations has set footprints throughout Europe, Asia, South America, North America, Australia, Antarctica, the Arctic, China, Taiwan and the United States, and has received a tremendous amount of 5-star reviews. 

The 30 years of glory of Kirk Vacations has been contributed by an outstanding team under the leadership of Sis May. In this highly competitive environment, Kirk Vacations has been able to stand out by following its business philosophy of sincere hospitality and friendly approach. Just like the popular saying in the Los Angeles area goes: “Follow Sis. May and good surprises will come!”

Creating memorable moments is our passion.

Kirk Vacations

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